vagrant で windows server 2012R2 を動かす
- vagrant-winrm プラグインのインストール
- windows server の vagrant box を make する
- packer のダウンロード
- vagrant box add
- Vagrantfile
test-kitchen の中の人が手順を公開しています。
なお、環境は ubuntu-mate 16.04 で、 ruby 2.3.0p0 です。
vagrant-winrm プラグインのインストール
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-winrm
windows server の vagrant box を make する
$ cd ~/vagrant $ git clone $ cd windows $ make virtualbox/eval-win2012r2-standard rm -rf output-virtualbox-iso mkdir -p box/virtualbox packer build -only=virtualbox-iso -var 'cm=nocm' -var 'version=1.0.4' -var 'update=false' -var 'headless=false' -var "shutdown_command=shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c Packer_Shutdown" -var "iso_url=" -var "iso_checksum=7e3f89dbff163e259ca9b0d1f078daafd2fed513" eval-win2012r2-standard.json /bin/sh: 1: packer: not found Makefile:428: ターゲット 'box/virtualbox/' のレシピで失敗しました make: *** [box/virtualbox/] エラー 127
と、 packer がないと怒られました。
packer は hashicorp 社が提供するオープンソースのツールで、
ゴールデンイメージを作ったり vagrant box を作成したりするものです。
というわけで packer をインストールします。
packer のダウンロード
/usr/local/src$ sudo wget /usr/local/src$ unzip packer /usr/local/src$ sudo cp packer /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/src$ packer --version 0.10.1
もう一回 make
ここからの vmware 関連のパッケージをごにょごにょしていますが、たぶん不要です
私の無駄っぽい苦労ログに興味のある方以外は ### 再再再再再 make まで飛ばしてください
$ make rm -rf output-vmware-iso mkdir -p box/vmware packer build -only=vmware-iso -var 'cm=nocm' -var 'version=1.0.4' -var 'update=false' -var 'headless=false' -var "shutdown_command=shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c Packer_Shutdown" -var "iso_url=iso/en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617403.iso" -var "iso_checksum=7e7e9425041b3328ccf723a0855c2bc4f462ec57" win2008r2-datacenter-cygwin.json vmware-iso output will be in this color. Build 'vmware-iso' errored: Failed creating VMware driver: Unable to initialize any driver for this platform. The errors from each driver are shown below. Please fix at least one driver to continue: * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmplayer": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmplayer": executable file not found in $PATH ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors: --> vmware-iso: Failed creating VMware driver: Unable to initialize any driver for this platform. The errors from each driver are shown below. Please fix at least one driver to continue: * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmplayer": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmplayer": executable file not found in $PATH ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created. Makefile:406: ターゲット 'box/vmware/' のレシピで失敗しました make: *** [box/vmware/] エラー 1 rriifftt@X1:~/vagrant/windows$ sudo apt install vmrun パッケージリストを読み込んでいます... 完了 依存関係ツリーを作成しています 状態情報を読み取っています... 完了 E: パッケージ vmrun が見つかりません
今度は vmrun がないと怒られます。。 によると、VIX SDK をインストールする必要がありそうです。
VIX SDK のインストール
VMware を Ubuntu にインストールする - わかったつもりになるページ によると普通に実行すればよさそうです。
~/Downloads$ ls VMware-VIX-1.13.2-1744117.x86_64.bundle VMware-VIX-1.13.2-1744117.x86_64.bundle ~/Downloads$ chmod +x VMware-VIX-1.13.2-1744117.x86_64.bundle ~/Downloads$ sudo sh VMware-VIX-1.13.2-1744117.x86_64.bundle Extracting VMware Installer...done.
accept して next
再々 make
vmware workstation player のインストール
次は無償で利用できる vmware workstation player をインストールを試してみます。
こちらも .bundle
なので、同様に sh から実行してみます。
ウィザードでいろいろ聞かれますが、Lisence Key は空欄にして普通にインストールします。
再再再 make
$ make rm -rf output-vmware-iso mkdir -p box/vmware packer build -only=vmware-iso -var 'cm=nocm' -var 'version=1.0.4' -var 'update=false' -var 'headless=false' -var "shutdown_command=shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c Packer_Shutdown" -var "iso_url=iso/en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617403.iso" -var "iso_checksum=7e7e9425041b3328ccf723a0855c2bc4f462ec57" win2008r2-datacenter-cygwin.json vmware-iso output will be in this color. Build 'vmware-iso' errored: Failed creating VMware driver: Unable to initialize any driver for this platform. The errors from each driver are shown below. Please fix at least one driver to continue: * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * Neither 'vmware-vdiskmanager', nor 'qemu-img' found in path. One of these is required to configure disks for VMware Player. * Neither 'vmware-vdiskmanager', nor 'qemu-img' found in path. One of these is required to configure disks for VMware Player. ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors: --> vmware-iso: Failed creating VMware driver: Unable to initialize any driver for this platform. The errors from each driver are shown below. Please fix at least one driver to continue: * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * exec: "vmware": executable file not found in $PATH * Neither 'vmware-vdiskmanager', nor 'qemu-img' found in path. One of these is required to configure disks for VMware Player. * Neither 'vmware-vdiskmanager', nor 'qemu-img' found in path. One of these is required to configure disks for VMware Player. ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created. Makefile:406: ターゲット 'box/vmware/' のレシピで失敗しました make: *** [box/vmware/] エラー 1
qemu が足りないっぽい。
$ sudo apt install qemu $ make rm -rf output-vmware-iso mkdir -p box/vmware packer build -only=vmware-iso -var 'cm=nocm' -var 'version=1.0.4' -var 'update=false' -var 'headless=false' -var "shutdown_command=shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c Packer_Shutdown" -var "iso_url=iso/en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617403.iso" -var "iso_checksum=7e7e9425041b3328ccf723a0855c2bc4f462ec57" win2008r2-datacenter-cygwin.json vmware-iso output will be in this color. Build 'vmware-iso' errored: Couldn't find VMware tools for 'windows'! VMware often downloads these tools on-demand. However, to do this, you need to create a fake VM of the proper type then click the 'install tools' option in the VMware GUI. ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors: --> vmware-iso: Couldn't find VMware tools for 'windows'! VMware often downloads these tools on-demand. However, to do this, you need to create a fake VM of the proper type then click the 'install tools' option in the VMware GUI. ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created. Makefile:406: ターゲット 'box/vmware/' のレシピで失敗しました make: *** [box/vmware/] エラー 1
今度は VMware tools for windows か。。
VMware tools for windows
vmware workstation player の player preference からインストールできそうです。
再再再再 make
$ make rm -rf output-vmware-iso mkdir -p box/vmware packer build -only=vmware-iso -var 'cm=nocm' -var 'version=1.0.4' -var 'update=false' -var 'headless=false' -var "shutdown_command=shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c Packer_Shutdown" -var "iso_url=iso/en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617403.iso" -var "iso_checksum=7e7e9425041b3328ccf723a0855c2bc4f462ec57" win2008r2-datacenter-cygwin.json vmware-iso output will be in this color. ==> vmware-iso: Downloading or copying ISO vmware-iso: Downloading or copying: file:///iso/en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617403.iso vmware-iso: Error downloading: open /iso/en_windows_server_2008_r2_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_617403.iso: no such file or directory ==> vmware-iso: ISO download failed. Build 'vmware-iso' errored: ISO download failed. ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors: --> vmware-iso: ISO download failed. ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created. Makefile:406: ターゲット 'box/vmware/' のレシピで失敗しました make: *** [box/vmware/] エラー 1
と、思ったら make 対象を指定していないことに気づきました。
もしかして vmware とか不要だった・・・?
再再再再再 make
$ make virtualbox/eval-win2012r2-standard rm -rf output-virtualbox-iso mkdir -p box/virtualbox packer build -only=virtualbox-iso -var 'cm=nocm' -var 'version=1.0.4' -var 'update=false' -var 'headless=false' -var "shutdown_command=shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c Packer_Shutdown" -var "iso_url=" -var "iso_checksum=7e3f89dbff163e259ca9b0d1f078daafd2fed513" eval-win2012r2-standard.json virtualbox-iso output will be in this color. ==> virtualbox-iso: Cannot find "Default Guest Additions ISO" in vboxmanage output (or it is empty) ==> virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying Guest additions checksums virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying: ==> virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying Guest additions virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying: virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 62% virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 94% ==> virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying ISO virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying: virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 0% virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 1% virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 2% virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 3%
進み始めました。 44min ほどかかるそうなのでしばし芋焼酎など飲みながら待ちます。
==> virtualbox-iso: Gracefully halting virtual machine... virtualbox-iso: Removing floppy drive... ==> virtualbox-iso: Preparing to export machine... virtualbox-iso: Deleting forwarded port mapping for the communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) (host port 3171) ==> virtualbox-iso: Exporting virtual machine... virtualbox-iso: Executing: export eval-win2012r2-standard --output output-virtualbox-iso/eval-win2012r2-standard.ovf ==> virtualbox-iso: Unregistering and deleting virtual machine... ==> virtualbox-iso: Running post-processor: vagrant ==> virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Creating Vagrant box for 'virtualbox' provider virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Copying from artifact: output-virtualbox-iso/eval-win2012r2-standard-disk1.vmdk virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Copying from artifact: output-virtualbox-iso/eval-win2012r2-standard.ovf virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Renaming the OVF to box.ovf... virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Using custom Vagrantfile: tpl/vagrantfile-eval-win2012r2-standard.tpl virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Compressing: Vagrantfile virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Compressing: box.ovf virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Compressing: eval-win2012r2-standard-disk1.vmdk virtualbox-iso (vagrant): Compressing: metadata.json Build 'virtualbox-iso' finished. ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are: --> virtualbox-iso: 'virtualbox' provider box: box/virtualbox/eval-win2012r2-standard-nocm-1.0.4.
vagrant box add
手順に従って box add します。
$ vagrant box add windows-2012r2 ./box/virtualbox/ $ vagrant box list windows-2012r2 (virtualbox, 0)
用意されている template を利用するとよさそうです。
$ mkdir ~/vagrant/windows-2012r2 $ cp ~/vagrant/windows/tpl/vagrantfile-eval-win2012r2-standard.tpl ~/vagrant/windows-2012r2/Vagrantfile
Vagrantfile の を編集します。
# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.define "vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard" = "eval-win2012r2-standard" = "windows-2012r2" # Port forward WinRM and RDP :forwarded_port, guest: 3389, host: 3389, id: "rdp", auto_correct:true config.vm.communicator = "winrm" config.vm.guest = :windows :forwarded_port, guest: 5985, host: 5985, id: "winrm", auto_correct:true # Port forward SSH :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 2222, id: "ssh", auto_correct:true config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v, override| v.gui = true v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 1536] v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 1] v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--vram", "256"] v.customize ["setextradata", "global", "GUI/MaxGuestResolution", "any"] v.customize ["setextradata", :id, "CustomVideoMode1", "1024x768x32"] end ["vmware_fusion", "vmware_workstation"].each do |provider| config.vm.provider provider do |v, override| v.gui = true v.vmx["memsize"] = "1536" v.vmx["numvcpus"] = "1" v.vmx["cpuid.coresPerSocket"] = "1" v.vmx["ethernet0.virtualDev"] = "vmxnet3" v.vmx["RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled"] = "false" v.vmx["RemoteDisplay.vnc.port"] = "5900" v.vmx["scsi0.virtualDev"] = "lsisas1068" end end config.vm.provider :parallels do |v, override| v.customize ["set", :id, "--cpus", 1] v.customize ["set", :id, "--memsize", 1536] v.customize ["set", :id, "--videosize", "256"] end end
$ cd ~/vagrant/windows-2012r2 $ vagrant up Bringing machine 'vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Importing base box 'windows-2012r2'... ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Matching MAC address for NAT networking... ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Setting the name of the VM: windows-2012r2_vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard_1465130882039_49088 ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Clearing any previously set network interfaces... ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Adapter 1: nat ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Forwarding ports... vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: 3389 => 3389 (adapter 1) vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: 5985 => 5985 (adapter 1) ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations... ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Booting VM... ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: WinRM address: vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: WinRM username: vagrant vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: WinRM transport: plaintext ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Machine booted and ready! ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Checking for guest additions in VM... ==> vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: Mounting shared folders... vagrant-eval-win2012r2-standard: /vagrant => /home/rriifftt/vagrant/windows-2012r2
180 日間の無償評価版が起動しました!!!
これでローカルでの test-kitchen が捗りそう。。。